Q&A with Scott Phelan

1: Best horse who you have ever been associated or worked with (owned, bred, jogged, trained, driven):
Holmes DG

2: Best horse you have ever seen live:
Christian Cullen

3: Best horse you have seen in any form (live, on tv, on the internet):

4: If you could have any driver in history driving for you in most important race of your life, it would be?:
Tony Herlihy

5: The best trainer you have ever seen:
Barry and Mark Purdon

6: Your favourite racetrack:
Alexandra Park

7: The unluckiest or hardest to swallow defeat of your career:
Anytime I run 2nd

8: The race you have never won but would love to:
NZ cup

9: The horse we never got to see the best of:
Big Dog had 2 bowed tendons and still won a lot of races

10: The racing win, yours or somebody elses, that gave you the most joy:
Winning on Holmes DG in an Interdominion heat meant a lot to me

11: Who is the person in harness racing you haven’t seen since lockdown started you are looking forward to seeing the most when we get back to the track:
Photographer in the winners circle


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