HRNZ : Breeders Incentive Scheme Update

The second part of Harness Racing New Zealand's Breeding Incentive Scheme (BIS) is now open.

The intent behind this part of the BIS was to encourage breeders to breed an additional mare(s) in the 2022/23 season, over the number bred the previous season, and to maintain that increase into the 2023/24 season.

The first part of the BIS scheme, which pays out $1,000 per foal produced for the 2022/23 season, will close on the 31st May 2024. Any outstanding claims can be made via My HRNZ login.

The second part of the scheme will open today and close on the 30th June 2024.

We will email all breeding entities we believe are eligible for the BIS $3,000 claim by the end of this week. The email will contain a claim form to be completed and returned.

If after this week you haven't received an email and believe you are eligible to claim, please email [email protected] with the name of your breeding entity and the mares bred over the past three seasons and we will review your situation.

The scheme pays a maximum of up to $3,000 (plus GST if any) per additional mare bred in 2022/23 with that additional mare or another mare in the same ownership put back in foal for the 2023/24 season. The maximum paid is $3,000 or the service fee if lower.

The number of mares bred in the 2021/22 season (mares served) forms the “base number” for the $3,000 claims. Any increase in mares bred over the base number for the 2022/23 season, and maintained into the 2023/24 season, will be eligible for $3,000 per additional mare.

A breeder who did not serve any mares in the 2021/22 season is entitled to enter the scheme as a “new breeder” and a $3,000 per mare bred, for the number of mares bred in 2022/23 or 2023/24, whichever is the lesser

All eligible claims received in May 2024 will be paid to the breeder by 30th June, and all eligible claims received in June 2024 will be paid by 31st July 2024. No claims made after 30th June 2024 will be eligible for payment.

Examples :

A. Breeder A did not breed a mare in 2021/22. In 2022/23 and in 2023/24 they bred one mare (does not have to be the same mare as the previous season but must be in the same ownership). Breeder is eligible for a BIS $3,000 credit of up to $3,000.

B. Breeder B did not breed a mare in 2021/22. In 2022/23 they bred one mare. They did not return the mare for service, or any other mare, for the 2023/24 season. The Breeder

is not eligible for the BIS $3,000 as they did not maintain the additional mare bred for two seasons.

C. Breeder C bred two mares in 2021/22. In 2022/23 and 2023/24 they bred five mares. This is an increase of three mares, and the breeder is eligible for three BIS $3,000 additional mares, or $9,000. Alternatively, if Breeder C bred seven mares in 2023/24 they are still only eligible for the BIS payment $3,000 for three mares as that is the actual increase over the 2021/22 base year for the Breeders Incentive Scheme purposes.

D. Breeder D bred three mares in 2021/22. In 2022/23 they bred six mares. In 2023/24 they only bred four mares. The BIS $3,000 available is the increase from 2021/22 and maintained for the two following seasons. i.e. the lesser of mares bred in 2022/23 and 2023/24. This applies even if three of the four mares bred in 2023/24 were the ‘additional’ mares bred in 2022/23. Breeder D is eligible for just one BIS $3,000 claim.

Other Breeding initiatives 2023/24 :

HRNZ is happy to inform breeders on the other breeding initiatives:

· The Fillies and Mares Credit Scheme has been budgeted for $400,000. As at the 30th April, the Fillies and Mares resident in NZ have earned $270,000 in bonuses.

· The NZ Bred Stallion Scheme has been budgeted for $350,000, As at the 30th April, the NZ Bred Stallions Scheme has credited owners $222,600.

· The 2 year old Bonus Scheme has been budgeted for $1.5m allocated over two years. As at the 30th April bonuses of $312,000 have been earned.


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